It is with the deepest respect and humility I doff my cap to those who were responsible for getting this train to the publishing station. For without the team a dream that has lain dormant for more than twenty years may never have awakened.
For your tolerance and understanding as you stood by silently and watched me chasing a dream; after all the long years of deprivation and hardship we both know the tracks will always be there right until we reach that illusive ‘end of the line’. Thank you for the sacrifices you made at the expense of my freedom. They will never be erased from my heart.
Without your silent, uncritical support I’d surely be out there still on the road, embracing a passion I may never fully understand or find.
For ALL the work involved in the tenderly, devoted construction of the videos. If I contributed anything at all to this artistic and time consuming pursuit someone had better tell me what it was. I have no idea!
All I can say is that the videos added a new dimension to the songs, bringing them to life in a way nothing else might have done. ‘Once there was a garden lost and forlorn, as it waited for the spring when wild flowers would be born’
For all the technicalities which I am embarrassed to admit I hadn’t a clue. I have learned much along the way and I know I still have a long way to go!
Many more tiresome questions will undoubtedly be asked but I know the answers will be provided like echoes across the void from your heart to mine; for the sacrifice of your time (and patience), whilst running your own business simultaneously. And for the ingenuity in the construction of Rogue Poetry; and for introducing it to the world. Mine included!
‘Never was a dream more beautifully brought to life than the dream conceived in the dreamer’s heart’.
For all the supporters and friends out there on the various websites whose encouragement and comments have strengthened my resolves to keep walking down the tracks .
Why therefore should I be amazed that two old audio tapes have survived that same journey?
Surely it merely reaffirms my belief that nothing ever dies without leaving a new born seed behind?
Thank you all.
Rogue Poetry. Keeping it raw. Keeping it real.